Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 18.09 – 24.09

Неділя, 24 вересня 2023, 17:51

ISW: Ukrainian troops move deeper into Zaporizhzhia region

Ukrainian troops are moving deeper into the Zaporizhzhia region and storming Novoprokopivka, a frontline village 1.5 km south of Robotyn. This is stated in a new report  by the Institute for War Studies.

According to military analysts, a geolocation video released on September 23 shows soldiers of the Russian 70th Regiment (42nd Motorized Rifle Division, 58th Combined Arms Army, Southern Military District) ambushing and killing two Ukrainian infantrymen on the northeastern outskirts of Novoprokopivka, indicating that Ukrainian forces have likely cleared Russian positions between Robotyno and Novoprokopivka.

In addition, multiple Russian sources reported that Russian forces repelled a Ukrainian attack on northern Novoprokopivka on September 22. This is the first confirmed Ukrainian ground attack in the immediate vicinity of Novoprokopivka.


NBC News: Biden promises Zelenskiy ATACMS missiles

US President Joe Biden has told his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Washington will provide a small number of long-range ATACMS missiles to help in the war against Russia.

This was reported by NBC News , citing three U.S. officials and a congressional representative familiar with the negotiations.

The sources of the American TV channel did not specify when exactly Ukraine will receive ATACMS or when the United States will publicly announce its decision to transfer these missiles.

According to NBC's congressional source, U.S. officials are still discussing the type and number of missiles to be sent to Ukraine, adding that Eastern European countries have already transferred a significant portion of their weapons stockpiles to Kyiv.


Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine and the United States agreed to jointly produce weapons

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that following his visit to the United States, he had a number of significant results, including an agreement to jointly produce weapons, including air defense systems.

«It was a very important visit to Washington, very significant results. I met with President Biden and his team. There is a new defense package: Air defense, artillery, shells, engineering equipment. We have a long-term agreement that we will work together to ensure that Ukraine produces the necessary weapons together with America. This is a new level of our unity! Co-production in the defense sector with the United States is a historic thing. A new industrial base, new jobs for both our nations. Ukraine will be able to produce, in particular, air defense systems».


Volodymyr Zelenskyy proposes to reform the UN to overcome Russia's veto

During a speech at the UN Security Council on Wednesday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented proposals for reforming the Organization, primarily to prevent situations where permanent members of the Security Council can block any decisions.

Zelenskyy emphasized that the work of the UN is currently paralyzed precisely because of Russia's blocking of any decisions as an aggressor state, as it has a veto as a permanent member of the Security Council.

«The veto in the hands of the aggressor is what has driven the UN to a standstill," the president said, adding that it turns the Organization into "the most visible tribune in the world. The use of the veto is what needs to be reformed, and this can be a key reform. The one that restores the power of the UN Charter», he said.


Lloyd Austin: Abrams tanks will soon be in Ukraine

On Tuesday, in Germany, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that Ukraine will soon receive M1 Abrams tanks from the United States.

«Since our last meeting, the United States has provided additional security assistance packages totaling more than $2 billion. These packages include urgently needed air defense, ammunition and mine action equipment.And I'm pleased to announce that the M1 Abrams tanks that the United States previously pledged will soon be arriving in Ukraine», – Austin said.


The project «Ukraine: realities» is implemented by the News agency «Konkurent» together with the Civic Movement «SVIDOMI» and the charity organization Global Empowerment Mission in English for readers from other countries to tell the stories of people who survived the horrors of the Russian occupation.

Проєкт «Ukraine: realities» реалізовується Інформаційним агентством «Конкурент» спільно з Громадянським Рухом «СВІДОМІ» та благодійною організацією Global Empowerment Mission на англійській мові для читачів з інших країн аби розповісти історії людей, які пережили жахи російської окупації.