
Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 26.08 – 01.09

Неділя, 01 вересня 2024, 16:52
Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 26.08 – 01.09

ISW: Hundreds of Russian military targets remain within ATACMS range

According to ISW  estimates, although Russian forces have moved aircraft out of the range of Western-supplied Storm Shadow and ATACMS missiles, a significant number of Russian military targets remain within the reach of Western weaponry.

Military analysts report that restrictions on strikes allow Russian forces to use deep rear shelters in Russia to support military operations against Ukraine.

ISW notes that numerous reports in Western media suggest that the U.S. government prohibits the UK from allowing Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles to strike military targets in Russia.

Experts from the Institute created an interactive map of known military targets to illustrate how U.S. restrictions on ATACMS usage limit Ukraine's ability to strike critical military infrastructure in Russia.

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 26.08 – 01.09 

Ukrainian Defense Minister confirms submitting ATACMS target list in Russia to the U.S.

During a meeting with senior U.S. officials, Defense Minister Rustem Umerov submitted a list of targets deep within Russian territory that Kyiv wants to strike with American long-range ATACMS missiles. The Minister of Defense mentioned that he discussed with American officials in Washington lifting restrictions on Ukraine's use of long-range weapons to strike deep into Russian territory.

"We explained what tools we need to protect our citizens from Russian terror, which the Russians are inflicting on us, so I hope we were heard," he noted.

Umerov also stated that the American side was provided with a list of targets that Kyiv wants to hit with ATACMS missiles—a step that American media had announced a few days earlier.

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 26.08 – 01.09 

Zelenskyy: Ukraine has created its first ballistic missile

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine continues to develop its military-industrial complex and has already created its first ballistic missile.

"What other developments does Ukraine have? Well, I thought it was too early to talk about it, but... There was a test – successful – of the first Ukrainian ballistic missile. I congratulate our defense industry on this."

He added that he could not provide more details about the missile but decided to share this information so that society could appreciate "our people who work 24/7 at defense enterprises."

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 26.08 – 01.09 

The energy situation is complicated - Minister Halushchenko

On August 26, the energy sector was targeted by a missile attack, and the situation is difficult.

This was reported by Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko.

"The situation is complicated, and the consequences of the attacks are being clarified. Energy workers are already working on eliminating them," he reported.

According to him, the energy sector was under the enemy's missile attack.

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 26.08 – 01.09 

The U.S. will allocate $800 million for the restoration of Ukraine's energy sector

During a visit to the United States, First Deputy Prime Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko announced an aid package of $800 million to restore Ukraine's energy sector.

"We are deeply grateful for the support in creating passive defense systems and the financing package of $800 million for the energy sector. During this visit, we provided a list of critical equipment necessary for immediate repairs, created by the Cabinet of Ministers," Svyrydenko said.

In the U.S., Svyrydenko met with U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk, with the main topic of discussion being energy restoration.

The Ministry of Economy's press service clarified to the EP that the $800 million from the U.S. is part of the funds announced at the Berlin Conference on Ukraine's reconstruction, which are now being distributed.

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 26.08 – 01.09 

The project «Ukraine: realities» is implemented by the News agency «Konkurent» together with the Civic Movement «SVIDOMI» in English for readers from other countries to tell to tell about current news and events in Ukraine.

Проєкт «Ukraine: realities» реалізовується Інформаційним агентством «Конкурент» спільно з Громадянським Рухом «СВІДОМІ» на англійській мові для читачів з інших країн аби розповісти про актуальні новини та події в Україні.
