
Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 10.06 – 16.06

Неділя, 16 червня 2024, 17:29
Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 10.06 – 16.06

Zelenskyy: Preparation for the second Summit and thus the end of the war will take months, not years

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy assured that the work on holding the second Peace Summit is ongoing, and it will take months, not years.

"We are at war. We don't have time for long-term work. Moving towards peace means acting quickly. Preparing for that day will take months, not years. And when the plan is ready, and every step is worked out, then the path to holding the second Peace Summit will open, and thus to the end of the war, as well as to a just and lasting peace."

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 10.06 – 16.06 

Zelenskyy: F-16s from Denmark will arrive in Ukraine soon

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen on the sidelines of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, where they discussed  the transfer of F-16 fighters from Copenhagen to Kyiv.

As known, a number of Western countries have united in a "fighter coalition" led by Denmark and the Netherlands with the aim of supplying Kyiv with modern aviation and training pilots and support staff.

"During the meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss the progress of preparations for the transfer of Danish F-16 aircraft, which will arrive in Ukraine soon," Zelensky said.

According to him, the leaders of the countries separately talked about the approval of the negotiation framework and the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU already in June.

"I am grateful to Mette Frederiksen for participating in the Peace Summit and Denmark's active assistance in involving Global South countries in the implementation of the Peace Formula," Zelensky said.

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 10.06 – 16.06 

Zelenskyy on the Peace Summit: The dialogue took place and can have practical consequences

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is confident that the Peace Summit, which took place this past weekend in Switzerland, can lead to practical steps toward peace.

"The dialogue took place. It can have absolutely practical consequences. We all in the world are interested in ensuring that the nuclear power plant or other objects are safe.

I am grateful to the summit participants for fully understanding and recognizing the need for the safety of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, which was captured by Russian troops.

I would like to thank every leader, and every country that supports our efforts to maintain navigation and the free flow of food...

And thirdly, there was a panel on the release of people currently in Russian captivity."

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 10.06 – 16.06 

Borrell on Putin's demands: The aggressor cannot dictate the terms of the ceasefire

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell called  the demands of Russian ruler Vladimir Putin unacceptable, reminding that he has no real interest in peace.

The top EU diplomat noted that Russia's aggression against Ukraine "does not show a real interest in peace."

"Putin's unacceptable demands aim to legitimize the invasion and undermine peace efforts while Russia rearms and prepares for a prolonged war. The aggressor cannot dictate the terms of the ceasefire."

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 10.06 – 16.06 

USA announces over $15 billion for Ukraine's energy sector during Peace Summit

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, during a meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Peace Summit in Switzerland, announced  the allocation of more than $15 billion for Ukraine's energy sector and humanitarian needs.

The funds will be allocated through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department to support the people of Ukraine.

According to USAID, this includes $500 million in new funding for energy assistance and the reallocation of $324 million previously announced for emergency energy needs in Ukraine. These funds will be used to repair energy infrastructure damaged during the war, expand electricity production, encourage private sector investment, and protect energy infrastructure.

"Support includes food assistance, medical services, shelter, as well as water, sanitation, and hygiene services for millions of vulnerable Ukrainians within the country and in the region. The assistance also includes support for comprehensive protection measures, including case management and psychosocial support, as well as assistance in agriculture and livelihoods to enable families to restore income and meet their basic needs," the White House said.

Ukraine: realities | «The Weekly Five»: 10.06 – 16.06 

The project «Ukraine: realities» is implemented by the News agency «Konkurent» together with the Civic Movement «SVIDOMI» in English for readers from other countries to tell to tell about current news and events in Ukraine.

Проєкт «Ukraine: realities» реалізовується Інформаційним агентством «Конкурент» спільно з Громадянським Рухом «СВІДОМІ» на англійській мові для читачів з інших країн аби розповісти про актуальні новини та події в Україні.
