
MP Ihor Palytsia Does Not Attend Verkhovna Rada Sessions

П'ятниця, 31 травня 2024, 20:08
MP Ihor Palytsia Does Not Attend Verkhovna Rada Sessions

Amid the war, the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada is half-empty. Some members of parliament, who should be voting on important bills for the country, have disappeared. Absenteeism of some MPs is now measured in months. 

The Bihus.info team talked to the absentee MPs and asked them about their systematic absence from work. In response, they heard a whole list of absurd excuses.

Among them is Ihor Palytsia, who explained his absence from the Verkhovna Rada by saying that former members of the Opposition Platform – For Life party attend the sessions. Despite the fact that Ihor Palytsia holds a representative mandate from all the people of Lutsk and should be defending their interests, not just his own. However, Palytsia does not appear in parliament at all, and his words, quoted below, are simply an excuse to cover up his irresponsibility.

"What is the point of me sitting there and looking at whom? That's why I have a principled position. I communicate with voters, my foundation provides a lot of help, I don't want to be public because I decided to end my public political career. I haven't left the country since January last year, I stay in Ukraine," Palytsia explained.

MP Ihor Palytsia Does Not Attend Verkhovna Rada Sessions

However, everything is fine with Palytsia's family business, as the MP's relatives have been living abroad for many years. His son and ex-wife own hotels in Austrian resorts. The business in Ukraine is also developing – a huge water park is being built in Bukovel. Moreover, the MP's family plans to build a new resort in Bystrytsia.

It should be recalled that Volyn MP Ihor Palytsia, who in 2010 was a member of the "Our Ukraine – People's Self-Defense" faction, was among those who pushed for the ratification of the Kharkiv agreements, which allowed the Russian Black Sea Fleet to continue being based in Sevastopol.

The project «Ukraine: realities» is implemented by the News agency «Konkurent» together with the Civic Movement «SVIDOMI» in English for readers from other countries to tell to tell about current news and events in Ukraine.

Проєкт «Ukraine: realities» реалізовується Інформаційним агентством «Конкурент» спільно з Громадянським Рухом «СВІДОМІ» на англійській мові для читачів з інших країн аби розповісти про актуальні новини та події в Україні.
