"G7 to announce joint "historic" security guarantees for Ukraine

Середа, 12 липня 2023, 17:25

The Group of Seven countries will announce long-term security guarantees for Ukraine, which they call a step towards ending the current phase of the war.

This was reported by the press service of the British government.

The decision, which is called historic, has already been prepared and almost agreed upon. The signing will take place on Wednesday in Vilnius, on the sidelines of the NATO summit.

"The joint declaration, which is expected to be signed by all G7 members, will define the format of allied support for Ukraine in the coming years to end the war and deter or repel any further aggression. This is the first time that so many countries have adopted such a comprehensive agreement."

The signatories of the Joint Declaration will also provide long-term bilateral security commitments to Ukraine, which will aim to "build Ukraine that can defend its territorial integrity now and in the future."

After the signing of the declaration, the partners will announce even more security assistance, including more extensive and rapid intelligence sharing and support to combat cyberattacks and hybrid threats, expanding training programs for the Ukrainian military, and developing Ukraine's industrial base.

"What happened in Ukraine must not be allowed to happen again, and this declaration confirms our readiness to ensure that Ukraine does not remain vulnerable to new barbaric actions by Russia. Supporting Ukraine's path to NATO, combined with formal, multilateral, and bilateral agreements and the overwhelming support of NATO member states, will send a powerful message to President Putin and bring peace back to Europe," said British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.


At the first meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, he plans to welcome the Allies' decision to simplify Ukraine's accession process and note that Ukraine is adapting NATO standards very quickly, and that further interoperability and willingness to reform "have already helped Ukraine get closer to the point where it is ready to take its rightful place in the Alliance."

At the same time, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announces a major new aid package for Ukraine: 70 pieces of combat and logistics equipment, including CVRT armored fighting vehicles, thousands of rounds of ammunition for Challenger 2 tanks, and about $65 million to repair military equipment already donated.
The funds will also be used to set up a rehabilitation center for seriously injured soldiers, which will work in partnership with the leading British center in this field, Stanford Hall, with the support of specialists from all member states.

The project «Ukraine: realities» is implemented by the News agency «Konkurent» together with the Civic Movement «SVIDOMI» and the charity organization Global Empowerment Mission in English for readers from other countries to tell the stories of people who survived the horrors of the Russian occupation.

Проєкт «Ukraine: realities» реалізовується Інформаційним агентством «Конкурент» спільно з Громадянським Рухом «СВІДОМІ» та благодійною організацією Global Empowerment Mission на англійській мові для читачів з інших країн аби розповісти історії людей, які пережили жахи російської окупації.